Dear Parent/ Guardian
Primary 3 weekly timetable
As you are aware, our Primary 3 pupils have “long” days on Mondays and Wednesdays, finishing at 3 p.m. In our recent survey for the School Development Plan, P.3 teachers referred to the extra volume of work expected at this stage and suggested that the pupils could stay for an additional “long” day each week.
We have decided to introduce this from the beginning of this term, on a trial basis, with a view to assessing how successful it is at the end of the school year.
Therefore, for the rest of this academic year, P.3 pupils will finish at 3 p.m. Monday to Wednesday and at 2.10 p.m. Thursday and Friday, beginning next week.
We trust this will be beneficial to pupils, teachers and parents.
Yours sincerely
C.J. Scott