Dear Parent/ Guardian
Welcome back to a new term at Seagoe. Christmas already seems a long way in the past but thanks to your generosity at our very successful Carol Service and Nativity performances, we sent a cheque for £350 to “Black Santa” at Belfast Cathedral.
Nursery/ P.1 applications
Forms for Nursery Unit and Primary 1 entry in September 2012 are available for collection in the school office. The return deadline is Wednesday 11th January at 12 noon for Nursery forms and Wednesday 18th January at 12 noon for Primary forms. Please note that our Nursery pupils’ applications for P.1 do not need a birth certificate attached as we already have a copy.
School Fund
You will remember from last term, that we ask parents to make a voluntary contribution to school funds on a termly basis. A small contribution per term makes the provision of the “extras” which add to the pupils’ learning experience much easier.
As Nursery and Primary 1 parents already contribute to toy funds, pupils of those classes are exempt from this initiative.
We suggest a contribution of £5.00 per child per term or £8.00 per term for parents of more than one child in P.2-7. Please send any contributions with your eldest child- preferably before Friday 13th January-the teacher will issue them with a receipt. Many thanks, in advance, for your much-needed support.
The Term Ahead
- After School Activities start week beginning 16th January- further details to follow
- 15-17 February- Half Term Holiday (School ends at 2.15 p.m. on Tuesday 14th Feb.)
- Week beginning 5th March- Parental Interviews (School ends at 1.15 p.m. all week)
- 16-19 March- School Development Day/ St. Patrick’s Day Holiday (School ends at 2.15 p.m. on Thursday 15th March)
- Friday 30 March- Last day of term and Non-uniform day (School ends at 12.00 p.m.)
- Monday 16th April- Summer Term begins
Yours sincerely
C. J. Scott