Dear Parent/Guardian
Approximately 70 families have not informed the school office of their preferred mobile number to receive urgent texts (eg. early closures, etc). This is a vital part of our communication to parents as we enter the winter months. If you did not receive a text last week about early finishing for Interviews, then you are one of the families we need to update. Please contact Mrs. McCrory urgently to give her your details.
Many parents will be aware that Trade Unions representing Public Sector employees, including staff in schools, have called on members to take part in a strike next week. It is likely that our school will be affected by this action. At this stage, it appears that the Early Doors club will not operate, our Nursery Unit will be closed for the day and all primary pupils will go home at lunchtime. I will write to you again at the start of next week, to update you on the situation.
Menu is overleaf. Please note that dinners for the week ahead must be ordered and paid for on a Monday. Money should not be sent on other days, as this is difficult for the office to administer.
P.3-4 MILK
Many of our P.3-4 pupils took the opportunity to have milk at break time this term. I am sure parents have discussed with their child whether they are drinking the milk and have decided if they wish to order it again for next term. Milk for Term 2 costs £9.00 and must be paid in advance. Please complete and return the attached form with payment by Friday 16th December.
This year our Nursery pupils are giving their own Christmas performance (details will be forwarded by Miss Carroll) and our P.1-3 pupils are staging two performances of their Nativity on Tuesday 6th December at 9.45 and 11 a.m. Tickets can be ordered by returning the order form, including payment of £2 per ticket, by Thursday 1st December. Tickets will have seat numbers. If there are still places left by Friday 2nd, the remaining tickets will be available from the school office on a first come, first served basis (max. of 2 additional tickets). After expenses, all proceeds will go to Black Santa’s sit-out at Belfast Cathedral. Please note that AR Media will produce a DVD of the performance. The P.4-7 Carol Service is on Wednesday 7th December at 6.30 p.m.